If you are looking for a backyard gadget, or just a twist on something old made new, mobile and awesome, check out the PowerUp 3.0 Paper Airplane that’s raised $250,000+ on KickStarter. It’s got a carbon fibre rod, bluetooth connectivity to your phone for a 55m flying range, along with a runner and smart flight controls for less crashing!
The most impressive part of this flight enthusiast’s design is the Bluetooth connectivity, which allows you to control your paper airplane via your smartphone with an accompanying app. Tilting your phone to the left or right allows you to turn your airplane as it flies a whopping 60 yards. The app also includes a compass, controls for thrust and readouts for battery life and range. The project has soared past it’s $50,000 goal, even topping its increased $150,000 goal, allowing Goitein’s team to create both an iOS and Android version of the app. For $40, you can toss your old attempts at the perfect paper plane and reserve your own Power Up 3.0 on the Kickstarter page.