Digital Strategy/Marketing
Don’t know where to start with your digital strategy? Dreaming to be part of the best digital marketing campaigns in the Philippines? Digital strategy is not just creating your first website and setting up your social media channel. It requires a lot of effort building your digital strategy and especially implementing it. We will be translating data into strategic thought, consumable content and actionable insights. Our team will be able to lead the creation of strategic frameworks which will guide and create the output needed. Don’t worry! we are not allergic to math, we love working with data (looking-organizing-interpreting-data); thinks strategically and creatively for the right digital solution for your business.

“Digital strategy is the series of actions you take to help you achieve your overarching marketing goal. Your digital marketing campaigns are the building blocks or actions within your strategy that move you towards meeting that goal.” – Hubspot


Digital strategy is not being present in all platforms available, it’s about choosing the right platform. Sure it’s good to be present in as many platform, but not all platforms may be necessarily fit to your target audience. You’d want to define the experience that consumers will have with your brand’s products by channel, across multiple platforms, based on their behavior patterns.

3 Key important things starting your digital strategy

  • What your organization wants to achieve
  • Identify your target customers
  • Be creative!

The question you want to answer through your digital strategy is how digital contributes to your overall objective. Learn how digital can drive your business here!

Free Consultation! Let’s discuss on how we can help you with your business

Contact us here:
We’ve seen the growth of eCommerce through the years. If you are one of the retailers who have started your own online store, you must now realize how hard it is to run an online store. I must say, I’ve been there and done that, but up to today it’s still an on going learning process. We will help you build and run your online store from the platform you will use, payment channels, courier partners, and later on making sure all your partners and platforms chosen will be integrated into one website. Different businesses have different approach on eCommerce, it’s not an one size fits all eCommerce template.

We will not just help you uploading SKU’s, monitoring your traffic or creating campaigns. Our aim is to help you understand SKU movements, maximize your customer loyalty, optimize your page for the best conversion, push the right products at the right time and more!


Check out some of our articles in eCommerce here



“It was more than enough and expected. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.”
-Mae , Ace Training

“Sherwin provided helpful insights on how I can improve my business digital marketing strategy”
-Carol, World Connect Consulting

Check me out on:
freelancingph raketph sherwin digital marketing ecommerce

Free Consultation! Let’s discuss on how we can help you with your business

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