What is the role of social media in your business?

What is the role of social media in your business?

Social media has been one of the favorite go to “digital marketing” strategy for most business. Small businesses would often create a social media account immediately. But there are times making social media accounts may not the best form of

Understanding Conversion Rate Optimization : Beginner’s guide

Understanding Conversion Rate Optimization : Beginner’s guide

Let’s start with defining what a Conversion Rate is. Conversion rate is simply getting the percentage of your goal (sale,sign ups, registrations,etc) over the number of visitors. The higher conversion rate you get, the better returns for your objective. So

Learnings from Jonathan Yabut in the age of digital

Learnings from Jonathan Yabut in the age of digital

I’ve been following Jonathan Yabut since the apprentice asia days. Been hooked to that specific season and since then followed his career after apprentice asia. A little background of Jonathan Yabut, prior to Apprentice Asia, he was with GXS as

10 things I learned during the IMMAP’s Digicon Power of X!

10 things I learned during the IMMAP’s Digicon Power of X!

This year marks the 10th year of IMMAP, so Donald Lim, like he would say, would make things a little bit more challenging. Inviting 161 speakers around the globe, holding it in one of the biggest venue there is, PICC,

Things I wish I knew before starting an e-commerce business

Things I wish I knew before starting an e-commerce business

Running an e-commerce business is not as easy as it may look. Most people would probably think how hard can it be? setup the website and wait for the sale to happen, that’s what I thought at first! I am

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